About Medicaid Expansion Advocacy
The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama has joined the Cover Alabama Coalition-a nonpartisan alliance of 93 advocacy groups, businesses, community organizations, consumer groups, health care providers and religious congregations advocating for the state of Alabama to provide quality, affordable health coverage to its citizens and implement a sustainable health care system.
More than 340,000 Alabamians fall into a health coverage gap. They earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to be eligible to get financial help to buy private insurance. These are hard working men and women who are left with few options for affordable health coverage. To close that gap, the diverse coalition has come together to form Cover Alabama - urging our state to expand Medicaid now.
Expanding Alabama Medicaid would bring hundreds of millions of federal tax dollars back home, insure thousands of Alabamians, cover unpaid health care costs that are hurting our hospitals, create thousands of jobs, and help stimulate our economy. Many common-sense, conservative states have embraced expanding their Medicaid programs. If they can find state-based solutions, so can Alabama.